Top Five Website Optimization Strategy [Updated For 2021]


Business owners continue to seek evergreen strategies that will keep their website performance at its peak — not knowing there is no evergreen strategy for that aspect.

The only ever-winning website strategy sums into catching up with system updates and responding to the latest consumer needs. However, the top 5 website optimization strategy for 2021 will help you to put that concept into perspective.

What about 2022, you ask?

Well, you are supposed to review your website performance on a yearly, if not monthly basis. Therefore, if you haven’t been doing that, then maybe we need to have a conversation.

Focus on Content-Driven SEO

Successful SEO is not about tricking Google. It’s about PARTNERING with Google to provide the best search results for Google’s users.
— Phil Frost, Main Street ROI

SEO should be your bottom line in today’s world because you know consumers are actively searching for information online. “I can use ads,” you say? Sure. But what do you hear people say about ads?

“I trust myself more.”

“Ads are paid with money. It doesn’t mean they’ve got the best product.”

“Only large companies can afford to advertise and they’re vampires. I’ll find a better deal if I go look around on my own.”

No need to deny it — I know you’ve heard at least one of the three statements above.

That is why SEO driven by helpful, genuine content should be your focus in 2021 when it comes to website optimization.

Adapt to Google’s New Indexing Method

Half of the marketers and web-developers almost had a heart attack this month when Google announced their updates to webpage indexing.

In short, the new indexing method will go beyond the traditional keyword-driven sections, such as header tags, meta-descriptions, and featured snippets. From what we see, it is clear that each passage of your content could play into the universal ranking of your webpage.

Google will be able to understand that the specific passage is a lot more relevant to a specific query instead of a broad, general page.

Google will be able to understand that the specific passage is a lot more relevant to a specific query instead of a broad, general page.

It was already difficult for businesses to compete in the over-saturated content world. Now, you must focus on providing genuine value with zero unnecessary fluff and promotional message for each passage to directly respond to a consumer’s question.

Does this mean Google will be index paragraphs independently? No. However, what this means is that Google is trying its best to only provide the most accurate and necessary information to its users.

Any businesses doing otherwise will quickly get buried behind the second page, and never to be found again.

Don’t Let Security Issues Break You

Google pays a lot of attention to how safe a webpage is. Regardless of the conversations surrounding their own data breach and privacy issues, on the front-end, Google makes sure to provide the safest links in their SERP.

That is why security improvement should be a key part of your Website Optimization Strategy

There are a few things you can do to tell Google your website and your business are secure, private, and trustworthy:

  • Serve interactive content over HTTPS

  • Conduct regular security audits

  • Add an SSL certificate

  • Always use the latest version of plug-ins to avoid any security breach.

If you rely heavily on form submission to manage visitor relationships and generate leads, you may also want to invest in a ReCAPTCHA API. This will not only create a safer, more legitimate user experience but also protect you against spam and malicious scamming.

Optimize Core Web Vitals for a Better User Experience

What is are the core web vitals?

Vital metrics go into the field of website structure design. In short, they are Key Performance Indexes (KPIs) that weighed the most among real human consumers instead of algorithms. These metrics determine how satisfied your site visitors may be.

There are three metrics that make up your core web vitals:

  • Largest Contentful Paint

  • First Input Delay,

  • Cumulative Layout Shift

Image Credit: Search Engine Journal

Image Credit: Search Engine Journal

These three metrics determine how pleasant your website’s overall user experience is. Does it take forever for the key content to load? Does your page lag or get stuck while a visitor tries to navigate to a specific session? Can they easily view all images and videos, or is it “all about your internet speed?”

If you want to know how your website is doing on the core web vitals but don’t know where to start, click here to schedule a one-on-one fact-finding consultation with us!

Use a Search Engine Optimization Tool

Optimizing with intuition no longer works (and never did) as Google continues to refine its algorithm in response to consumer needs.

A professional search engine optimization tool is a vital piece to your overall website optimization strategy. It provides scientific insights backed by evidence — insights most business owners are incapable of gaining on their own.

Some of the best search engine optimization tools include:

  • Moz Pro

  • Ahref

  • SEMrush and the SEMrush SEO content writing plugin for Google Docs

  • Ubersuggest Free Keyword Planner

  • Google Trends

Do some research and find the most suitable SEO tool for your business and your website will be a critical step toward successful optimization in 2021.

In conclusion, the best website optimization strategy you should adapt for 2021 is responding to consumer needs. Think about what your visitors are looking for, what raises their concerns, and what experience they prefer. After all, that’s how search engines update their algorithms, to begin with.


Are you in the real estate world?

Check out our article on real estate website optimization strategy. You will find insider’s hacks that are immediately adaptable.

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Xiao Faria da cunha

Who says you can’t be an artist with a full-time occupation of an entrepreneur? I offer budget-friendly web design and digital marketing services specifically tailored for small businesses and creators. With my experience in the creative field, I know how important it is to find an affordable and trustworthy service for your brand image, identity strategy and digital marketing system.

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